Twenty three new members were welcomed to the club at today's quarterly meeting.
Nick was given the go-ahead to find some T-1 steel for new targets. Anyone wanting to donate to the cost is welcome to give what they can.
There's been some damage done to club property and everyone is asked to keep an eye out for any people shooting what isn't a target- and to direct them to what is a proper target.
Also, on the grounds committee, there is always some minor repair that needs doing, so if anyone has the skill and tools, hop to it.
Shooting schedule for 2010 is as follows:
Black powder Saturdays: the first Saturday of each month.
May 1; 1000 a.m. : "Tightwad" match.
Sept 6 (Monday); 1000 a.m. Alvin York Turkey Shoot.
Black Powder Campout (see "long range Buffalo match and camp out).
Cowboy Action matches:
Saturday matches:
May 8; 1000 a.m.: Open shooting, noon potluck, Cowboy Match.
June 12; 1000 a.m.: Open shooting, Noon potluck, Cowboy Match.
July 10; 1000 a.m.: Open shooting, Noon potluck, Cowboy Match.
August 20, 21, 22; Squinty Eye Western Shoot.
September 10, 11, 12; 0800 - 5:00 p.m.: Long Range Buffalo Match and campout (see the flyer when it comes out).
Wednesday matches:
June 30; 5.30 p.m.: Evening Cowboy Action match.
September 22; 5.30 p.m.; Evening Cowboy Action match.
DCM Matches:
May 8: 1000 a.m.; 100 yard match
August 14: 1000 a.m.; 200 yard Match, Hamlin Trophy...
August 14; 1200 noon: 100 Year Old Rifle shoot (be sure to have verification for it's authenticity/age).
September 18; 0930 a.m.; V-J Day match.
September 18; 1030 a.m.; John C. Garand match.
September 18; 1230; 100 yard Cundy Trophy match.
Steel Action matches:
Saturday Matches:
April 24; 1000 a.m. (may have to walk to range due to road conditions).
May 29; 1000 a.m. Pot luck lunch day (bring the leftovers!)
June 26; 1000 a.m.
July 31; 1000 a.m.
August 28; 1000 a.m.; Pot Luck lunch day (maybe leftovers again)
September 29; 1000 a.m.
October 9; 1000 a.m.
Wednesday Matches:
April 28; 5.30 p.m.
May 12; 5.30 p.m.
May 26; 5.30 p.m.
June 9; 5.30 p.m.
June 23; 5.30 p.m.
July 14; 5.30 p.m.
July 28; 5.30 p.m.
August 11; 5.30 p.m.
August 25; 5.30 p.m.
September 8; 5.00 p.m. (yes: 5.00, due to sunset times).
September 15; 5.00 p.m. (yes, also earlier, same reason).
IDPA Matches:
May 20; 5.30p.m.
June 17; 5.30 p.m.
July 15; 5.30 p.m.
August 26; 5.30 p.m.
September 16; 5.30 p.m.
Additional Events:
June 30; 0900 - 3.00 p.m.: Laurentian Forkhorn Camp.
July 17; 0800 - 3.00 p.m. : Youth Day (don't forget to volunteer!)
July 21; 0900 - 3.00 p.m.: Laurentian Forkhorn Camp.
August 4; 0900 - 3.00 p.m.: Laurentian Forkhorn Camp.
August 17; 0900 - 3.00 p.m.: Laurentian Forkhorn Camp.
Sight-In Days (for those deer hunting sportsmen and ladies who need their weapon sighted in):
October 23 & 24 (all day).
October 30 & 31 (all day).
Remember: any time you have opportunity to volunteer your skills and expertise, no matter how great or small, it is appreciated by someone- usually your friends and neighbors, yourself and especially by your club. So please, volunteer any chance you can.
Remember: If it isn't a target, don't shoot at it- it just may be your car window behind it. Or worse. Be sure of your backstop: use only the bermed ranges.
Remember: Keep the gun empty till you're ready to shoot- and keep the muzzle downrange.
Remember: It isn't loaded. Or is it? Gosh... lemme look.
Remember: Have fun. It's your range, so take care of it like you enjoy it.
Ride fast, shoot straight.
Yay! The picture of me is up, very nice!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Katie- It'd have been up sooner but I got into a lazy streak and... well, it ain't hard to guess what happens then. Sorry to take so long.
ReplyDeleteGosh, you have a couple distinguishing features: First Follower of the blog, First Commentor... LOL- thank you, FIne Lady.
See you at the Range.
Jim/Shy III